So there has been lots of things going on. Lots of changes and craziness and lack of anything important in my head to write about. Well, more like at a total loss for anything to write about. I started a couple of posts only to delete the whole thing in the middle of writing and then stare at the screen dumbly. I figured today was a good day to post because my usual sunday posts are fairly easy. Pull card and write (I've been needing to consult the cards anyway)
The Page of Shields. A tenacious reliable person. One who resists any distractions when in pursuit of a goal. A serious scholar with great self discipline. A hunger for knowlege. A dedicated student. One who exhibits a keen buisness sense. An honourable, courageous person who does his or her best to help others. A messenger with good news (a job pretty please??!!!!) sounds like good things are in store though I'm not really sure who/what the cards are pointing to currently.
Tobar Phadric (for St. Patrick's Day)
23 hours ago