So I have officially graduated. The Divine saw fit to wait till after graduation for the big rains to come (we had the ceremony outside and got drizzled on). While we were all processing to the milling about area the clouds let loose and we got soaked, but at least it wasn't in the middle of all the diploma giving. The one nice thing about being graduated is that I can now study whatever the heck I want to and its a bit funny because now I'm not sure where to start. I kept saying once I graduate I'm going to learn more about this and this and that and ooo hey thats cool I want to know more about that. I'm going to have to work out a learning schedule or something (holy crap I'm creating a class schdule for myself!!! you can never get away from school). Currently I am moving out of my apartment slowly, I'm sure too slow for my roomate and her new roomate (who is already there amongst my clutter and my cats). I know I keep saying I'm going to get back on the writing wagon and currently without a job I have to go in to work for that might be possible. If the spotty wireless in my house lets me/I don't break down and use the devil computer that hates my guts and destroy the internet connection.
We shall see. Currently my life revolves around cleaning my room in my parents house so I can move my stuff from my apartment into my room. I am very much feeling like I am not getting anything done because I keep moving stuff into places I have cleared out. Its like a cycle of cleaning and rearranging and I'm getting frustrated with it. I really would like to just rent a U-haul and cart the rest of my stuff home and just get all the rearranging and moving and cleaning done with asap. I want to hold a Thank Gods I graduated ritual but I need to have my room clean so I have some free space to work in.
Tomorrow's project is scrubbing my garage floor so my cats can live in it so they don't get eatten by the family dog or irritate my dad's allergies (apparently hes allergic we just discovered this) or walk in stray motor oil or some other harmful thing and clean it off thier paws and end up super sick. I will learn the art of zen scrubbing (ie meditation through motion) which is an idea borrowed from a good friend of mine who does zen mopping. I thought it would be something interesting to work on while scrubbing instead of just letting my mind wander which can be unproductive at times.
hopefully in the coming days I will be able to have a better posting schedule up and implemented.
Rain and Robins Returning
2 hours ago
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