Sill working on the moving. I've made room for more of my stuff here in my room and the garage is ready for the cats....more or less. i tried baking yesterday and it came out rather sad. I made a pineapple upside-down spice cake. I thought it might be tasty as long as it didn't taste like bubble gum. And it is tasty however it diden't get baked all the way so the middle is still batter-y much to my frustration. Granted I didn't use a cast iron skillet like the direction said so maybe I should have made some alterations. Goes to show you cooking is a learning process. I also had some pretty nasty heartburm last night right after I ate said culinary experiment. I may not make that again, we shall see.
The funny thng about cleaning my room from one side to the other is I have more stuff that I am recycling then throwing out. I've got this bitty trash basket in my room and I think I have filled it up only once, going on twice now. it just amazes me how much paper stuff is in my room. And change, I can't tell you how much change I have thrown in my puppy bank. Its not a pig so I can't call it a piggy bank, its a little sharpe puppy bank that I've had for as long as I can remember.
In other news I am growing somewhere between 8 and 12 amarylises from seed that are sitting here with my mom's plants (thankfully she likes gardening too) They all came from the same plant but I'm hoping there will be some genetic variation and I'll have pretty amarylises all over (out of the cat's reach) in the winter. I officially killed my blueberry bush, sadly but the orange tree is doing well at mom's office (needed a place to stash it in its new huge pot). Hopefully my other plants at the apartment haven't died, I've been a neglectful mother.
Rain and Robins Returning
3 hours ago
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